Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Seeking Council with Muse Artemis

Seeking Council with Muse Artemis

Will you come to me now, Artemis,
Out of  your dark obedient forest?
There, where you are content and powerful.
My view of these piney Bitterroots
Are frightfully bold for this mortal’s eyes.
You take advantage of hills
As if they were scattered stones
For your playful fashioning of gigantic cairns.

My River has a frozen sheet over it again.
It’s heat released high into the canyons.
Frosted air crystals flit about wind-torn.
They shimmer, daylight rainbowing them.
Winter sleeps under white snow-covered ground.
I wait for a full spring moon
Not ringed mysteriously like this February one.
I feel anxious for summer already.

My hunger for food is satisfied.
Aloneness sits close by,
It is not a time to hunt, as you are known to do.
I too hunt alone.
You could be guiding me, mythical Huntress.
My hunting dog knows you Artemis.
She doesn’t “speak” of you, but knows your
Presence when running ahead of me.
She hunts for you and that is why she runs.
I too, was once a hunter like you.
I notched arrows like you.
I killed and said grace over the meat.

Though I want to be present
I am past too.
And future is drawing options
Of landscapes for me to imagine.
You, Muse, sit silent somewhere
Wildland surrounds you securely--
Unassuming , coy Goddess.
Are you upset with this mortal?
He only tries his writing to learn.
I do not write to take down
The holy or well meaning.
My words must be too vague
They stumble over things looking for
Universals that might please you.

I cannot climb the mount
To your world--so unlike mine
So unknowable and immortal like your siblings.
My life is of a definite time
A time-aged and disfigured life.
Unlike you, I cannot watch and wait musing.
Nor play roulette with hope?
Hope is too mundane, too captive for this mortal.

What do I call the anticipation I feel?
Tell me the words.  I’ll put them down here.
Ought I not imagine an expected pleasure?
No!  It need not be “desire”. 
That would over-power me now.
What is pleasure experienced in the silence of aloneness?
Do I want or need simple conversation to be a-mused like you?
I’ll gladly take conversation;
If the ending is resolution,
Agreeing to terms of endearment
Is more than enough, Muse.

Does this aging mortal have to be slain
Upon your alter on Olympus?
Offered up as sacrifice for offenses?
Show me how to get there and I’ll come.
What if I run away?  I am afraid.
Yet, if I could run away
My every ounce would circle back seeking answers.

I have grown old and understanding
Of my time waiting alone these many days.
You can afford your Olympian pursuits ageless Goddess.
I expect your silence, your anger, and some frustrations
With mortal men such as I.  We earn them.
I am willing and able to cast away from Life’s shoreline.
I’ll go into exile on my windless Odyssey if you will it.
It might be a cure for my lost mate.
Our contract now finished, my psyche
No longer tempered by being alone,
No longer afraid knowing aloneness so well.
Courage seems so far away so unneeded by a Goddess.
I ponder manly work and succeed in doing it.
Yet, it feels like function without form.
Going through motions to feel alive.
Is not the circular life of a mortal
Labor for Death’s conclusion?

When guided by you Artemis,
The folly and foils of life
Seem joyful lessons to me;
This mortal among other survivors
Some more fit than I attracting
Your attentiveness.
I have aged beyond being durable
That is outside my resilience now.
Once a hardy youth
Being insignificant is not troubling now.
Existence without purpose  
Has become an expected impression of reality.
Should I throw in my will-towel
Accept assistance of community
In essence, ride with death nearing non-existence?
Have I done enough in this long time of living well?
Do I accept another free ride on life having known fulfillment?
Or while easing into conversations with Death  
Relax resistance to Its ever-present workings?
Or push against Death’s daily wager
Linger somewhat longer
Before conceding to Earth’s recycling,
Before giving back this fully nourished body,
Porter of my tingling soul-mind?

 This year, I seem to be atoning in a Purgatory,
A place or myth conflicting with personal common sense.
Show me a place-word that describes
Suffering for atonement on Earth , Artemis.
A word, my muse, of use in the life I now live.
I will accept these human penances concretely
If they are needed for another loved life.

I write loudly, my muse, alive in a body
Saturated with senses and thumbing through thoughts
Casting symbols in ink upon pages--
Lines for my last act and final scene.
Tell me Artemis:  What do muses do?
Abandon some mortals for others equally frail?
Leave it to the last mortal to resolve life alone?
Oh, the variety of fellow souls
The freely wandering bipeds
Confused by the mess man is in.
Mankind too frayed to mend in all it’s time thus far.
Were you there when we came down from the tree of life?
Were you entertained by our folly?

Am I to start anew;  begin again?
Searching.  Endlessly searching.
Is there no fable or moral you can lend
To aid my wanderings through mind mazes
Sorting trial and error for a way in-out?
Or does life’s mirage split by sensual prisms
Shine through always tattered 
Life so bright and dark at once.
Will you encourage another chapter be written?
So my play; my comedy, my epic
Again ends as tragedy?
Ha!  The varied and divided colors flashing life-light.
Even the wayward moth can see better than I.
Some waves I just cannot sense,
Some light I cannot to be drawn to,
Some fire I cannot be consumed by
Though I feel that is what life is--
A slow burning against the bulb of perfect decoy light.

I seem now unable to choose,
Maybe I am that light blinded moth-life.
Maybe all mortals are this way--the same beings,
Mindful, yet confused, 
Willed, always playing roulette with choices.
How then, do I course myself?  Flee on?
How do I feel powerful into the coming
From the present aloneness?
Oh, Muse of Moonlight, Night-wind of wildlands,
I feel wandering is man's ludicrous pathway.
I do not know the written symbol forming the scent of Completeness.
You, symbolic protector of all animals, are now guide absent.
You, always more than this thinking mortal man.
This man a ghost lost
In a village of strangers.
Come again.  Show me words to final Way,
And I will ink another moment of being
To this momentary page.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for drawing my attention to this! I am drawn in and fascinated by your use of words--slippery by turns, precise by turns. You engage my "clever mind" and give it things to chew on, but you also draw in my heart and evoke an atmosphere and sense of spirit.
    My sense is that the Muse is abundant, generous, unsparingly honest, and that she will abandon nobody. My current koan for showing up to the page is "no excuses," for I have had too many.
    Looking forward to reading more.
